Our Educators
Janine Van Zyl
Hello there! I’m Janine Van Zyl, based in Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape.
I’ve been immersed in the beauty industry for 20 years now. My journey began with acrylic courses at House of Beauty in Pretoria, and I’ve been learning and growing ever since.
My full-time career really took off when I joined the Crystal Clawz team. I’ve been with them for seven wonderful years, and I’ve had the opportunity to use all their products. In fact, I don’t use anything else but Crystal Clawz! I’ve never had any issues with their products – no lifting, no peeling, just pure satisfaction. I absolutely love their products!
I’ve earned several certifications during my time with Crystal Clawz. I became proficient in using builders gel and rubber bases on 17th August 2017. I mastered the use of Velocity on 27th April 2020. And on 1st November 2017, I became an Educator, a role that I cherish deeply.
The Crystal Clawz team is simply amazing. I have a lot of love for Jenn and Bev, and I’m grateful to be part of such a supportive and inspiring team. I’m excited to continue my journey with Crystal Clawz and look forward to many more years of creating beautiful nails!
I’ve been immersed in the beauty industry for 20 years now. My journey began with acrylic courses at House of Beauty in Pretoria, and I’ve been learning and growing ever since.
My full-time career really took off when I joined the Crystal Clawz team. I’ve been with them for seven wonderful years, and I’ve had the opportunity to use all their products. In fact, I don’t use anything else but Crystal Clawz! I’ve never had any issues with their products – no lifting, no peeling, just pure satisfaction. I absolutely love their products!
I’ve earned several certifications during my time with Crystal Clawz. I became proficient in using builders gel and rubber bases on 17th August 2017. I mastered the use of Velocity on 27th April 2020. And on 1st November 2017, I became an Educator, a role that I cherish deeply.
The Crystal Clawz team is simply amazing. I have a lot of love for Jenn and Bev, and I’m grateful to be part of such a supportive and inspiring team. I’m excited to continue my journey with Crystal Clawz and look forward to many more years of creating beautiful nails!