Flexi-Pro tips and Rubber Base Workshop
18jul9:00 am12:00 amFlexi-Pro tips and Rubber Base WorkshopBrakpan, Gauteng

Event Details
**Introduction to Different Shapes**– Explanation of various nail shapes – Demonstration of how to achieve each shape**Natural Nail Preparation**– Explanation of the importance of natural nail preparation – Demonstration of proper
Event Details
- **Introduction to Different Shapes**
– Explanation of various nail shapes
– Demonstration of how to achieve each shape
- **Natural Nail Preparation**
– Explanation of the importance of natural nail preparation
– Demonstration of proper techniques for natural nail preparation
- **Nail Tip Sizing and Preparation**
– Explanation of how to correctly size nail tips
– Demonstration of how to prepare the nail tip for application
- **Application with Rubber Base**
– Explanation of the role of the rubber base in nail application
– Demonstration of the application process using a rubber base
- **Nail Tip Cutting and Shaping**
– Explanation of the techniques for cutting and shaping the nail tip
– Demonstration of the cutting and shaping process
- **To Strengthen or Not?**
– Explanation of when nail strengthening is necessary and when it’s not
– Discussion of the pros and cons of nail strengthening
- **Practical Application**
– Hands-on practice session for learners to apply what they’ve learned
– Feedback and guidance from the instructor during the practical application session
(Thursday) 9:00 am - 12:00 am
Brakpan, Gauteng
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